Thursday, October 16, 2008

Six Degrees of Painful Separation and Clay Aiken.

The other day I took a header … crashed face first onto concrete steps leading up to my front door. I didn’t see it coming and I rose up screaming because I was so shocked and surprised. What does this have to do with Clay Aiken you might ask. Well, doesn’t everything in life have something to do with Clay?

This fall brought back reminders of another startling event in my life for which I had no warning nor control. A little teevee show “starring” Clay Aiken. Back in ’03, I just happened to catch Clay as he walked onto the Idol stage for the first time. Whammo! I was a goner. I was captivated, I was hooked, I was addicted. I was in shock; call 911. I was so in over my head that on Country Night when my cable was out, I sat for 55 minutes watching a snowy screen with my finger poised on the record button just hoping that I’d get to see Clay. The stars aligned or whatever that magic is and Clay appeared, I hit the record button and enjoyed 90 seconds of Clay, over and over again by watching the recording. I tell ya I was crazed.

My obvious cuts and bruises and a broken nose which all have been taken care of will mend in time. However, when Clay Aiken was so wrongly denied his crown as winner of American Idol Season 2, I thought my broken heart would be permanent. I thought his career had ended. Little did I, or any of us, know the strength, determination and power that Clay Aiken possesses. He fought for his rightful place in the entertainment industry and has risen from the Ashes to enjoy a fabulous career.

Today, my heart only swells with pride and love for the unconquerable, the undeniable and the fabulous Clay Aiken. My recent injuries will heal but the impact that Clay has had on my heart will never go away. It is good.


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog, stargazer, and how appropriate,, I too thought we may have lost him, but 5 1/2 years later ... still here and enjoying every minute!!

QBBabe said...

I am verra, verra worried about your poor nose, but I am not one bit worried about Clay. Strength, determination and power indeed! Love your words, my friend. So glad to be right here with you!

jbc4clay said...

Glad you are ok.

Great blog! Yes, we are still here and Clay is still going strong!

SueReu said...

Wonderful blog!!!

Thanks so much - sorry about your cuts and bruises (and nose) - nothing a little Clay Aiken can't help, well maybe not HEAL, but help ya feel a heck of a lot better. I just surround myself in his magical voice and all my aches, pains, heartache, worry or sadness just vanishes - like magic

Anonymous said...

Great blog Joanie!!! Aw, I hope you are OK, smooches.

Where has 51/2 years gone? Oh that's right, they have been spent following a handsome, big hearted, quirky, fabulosa singer man. What an honor it has been. I can't wait to see what's next.

Take care of yourself woman.


katy said...

Yes, Clay Aiken has surely risen from the ashes, and I believe the best is yet to come!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're all right and not hurt too badly. I think we've all fallen head over heels for Clay Aiken. I know I have.

Ashes said...

A delightful blog, except for your accident of course. Get well soon.
Clay's aura is powerful, I know I am so grateful for coming into my life and staying here. A day without Clay is a day without sunshine.

stargazer said...

Hey, I'll fall on my face any day for Clay. Bwahahahahah.... what a special love he is. Thanks so much for the well wishes, Hey! It's TBAF Gala Weekend ... Yay Clay and all those who can attend. I will not be jealous, no I won't be jealous... heh heh heh

Jannet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jannet said...

Sorry... that was such a misspelled debacle up there. What I meant to say was:

I really, really loved this poignant yet painful comparison!

Don't you just love when just one fall can completely alter your life... or at least put you in bed for a couple of days?... heh

Hope you're ok.

Anonymous said...

YYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY, the music's going again and I put Ashes first to go with the Blog

love you stargazer, and hopefully you will be great by Nov 14th!!!

hugs, shy

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